This week I am still working on finding writers. At the moment, I have two women: Paula Najas (21) and Andrea Martinez (28). I am trying to find two other women who are willing to be honest about their experiences and also willing to be shot for the magazine. I have some potential candidates but no one is sure yet. 
This week I have also been concentrating on the visuals of the magazine. I really want it to be very simple but with beautiful images of the women... I have posted some inspo boards on
I also have decided to present my timeline and wireframes of the whole project for my midterm. 
Another big decision of this week.... I want to lay out my whole magazine by hand and only input the text digitally. I feel that this is a great choice for me as I have been craving doing something physical with my art. I think that it will be visually interesting to see a book laid out by hand and then scanned digitally. It will also help me touch upon the multimedia look I was going for. I have placed some images below of collages I have been working on this week that I would like to take inspiration from once I start laying out the zine.
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